37 Fantastic Miniature Photos Created with Tilt-Shift Effect

We’ve probably all wondered how interesting it would be to become a little person and look at the world from a different angle. Camera Tilt-Shift technology can contribute to this at least to some extent, as what you see a little below is a miniature world. It is reflected in the various photographs we have collected.

These free photos captivate with their amazement and make you want to not like watching them. Tiny towns and their transport are like a playground. We present fifty of these photographs and believe that if you have the appropriate photography equipment you can try this tilt-shift technology without a doubt.

We hope you find this collection interesting and at the same time visit our other pages, so relax and enjoy.

Dubrovnik, Croatia

by Charles Perita

Take a Dip

by Nana B Agyei

Oporto Waterfront

by Daniel Bettencourt

Gridiron Grandeur

by Troy Hood

Trafalgar Square

by Paul Ransome

Historic Downtown

by Tama66


by David McBee

Miniature Stadium

by David McBee


by Toma66


by David McBee

Miniature City

by Raffalel

Mexico Landscape

by makohiko

Miniature Railway Station

by bildungbucht

Miniature Village

by Nick_H

Suburban Neigborhood

by David McBee

Mans on Construction

by Pixabay

Aerial Photo of Houses

by Flickr


by Pixabay

City Buildings

by Julien Goettelmann

Enchanting City

by Daniel Tafjord

Minimalistic Old Town


Home Block

by Louis Reed

Bird’s Eye View

by Alejandro Franco

Old Mini New York

by Taton Moïse

Central Station

by pixel2013

Inside Airport

by MichaelGaida


by SwedishStockPhotos

Bydgoszcz, Poland

by shotput


by kaboompics

Boat Pier

by GregMontani

Ghent, Belgium

by Dimhou

Park, People

by 138406


by ponyNYC


by Didgeman

Miniature Parking

by ThiloBecker

Eifel Tower, Paris

by ArnarBi

Entering to Ferry

by *Yueh-Hua 2021

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