Artists have been pretty hesitant lately whether to go for a full-blown drawing tablet or an android device that comes with a stylus or maybe just an iPad and an apple pencil?! Wait … Can you even draw on an iPad? Well, we are here to tell you that, yes you can draw on an iPad, and we will help you make your purchase decision.

Just keep on reading!
1. It is stand-alone device
You don’t need to hook it to a computer for it to function like other drawing tablets! It is a completely independent device, that has its own operating system.
2. Portability
Based on the point above that you don’t need to connect it to the computer, so you can take your iPad anywhere to draw. On a bus, on a train, or even on the beach! It comes in plenty of sizes and most of them are really portable! Even some professional artists who have humongous drawing tablets choose to own an iPad as well, for sketching on the go!
3. Perfect size
As we said above the iPad comes in plenty of sizes and so does other tablets. However, what’s really cool is that the 10.2-11-inch iPad are just perfect! Their screens are big enough to draw, but not too big that they make you uncomfortable if you are not yet a professional artist.
4. Affordable
This might seem surprising at first since most of the apple products are known to be expensive. However, for the iPad you can always get the base model like iPad 9 for 2021 and it will be one of the most affordable tablets to get for drawing.
For a drawing tablet where you can see what you drew on the screen (since most of the affordable drawing tablet are just black devices that you draw on and see what you drew a computer screen) the iPad and apple pencil included -don’t believe we are saying this- is one of the cheapest options!
If you considered Wacom or any tablet really that has a display, they are really expensive. And you get only a drawing tablet not a whole functioning tablet/ computer on the go!
5. Procreate
When you get an iPad, one of the perks is getting to try Procreate, which is hands down one of the best digital drawing apps out there. Procreate is also a really affordable one-time purchase for about 10$! Insane, right?! There is also a plenty of free digital drawing apps out there.
However, Procreate gives the smoothest user experience so far, plus it really is user friendly! This is a great help for someone who is just getting started in the digital art world or even a professional making a living off of art.
6. Plenty of resources
Now unlike some of the free drawing digital apps, there is a TON of information available online on Procreate, how to use it and how to deal with any of its problems that you might be facing. Also, there a lot of sources where you can find Procreate brushes (brushes are handy tool that helps you create art more easily and faster). One of the best options in terms of quality and price of the brushes is Brush Galaxy where you can find more than 50.000 brushes in twelve different categories such as watercolor, tattoo, stamps, texture, and more.
7. It is still an iPad!
So, let’s say you didn’t enjoy digital art much. Or it’s not your thing or you just want to test the waters before diving deep into the world of digital art. The iPad is still a fully functional tablet that you can use for pretty much everything from watching movies to playing games or even getting some work done. So, it won’t be like you lost your investment.
So, if you came here looking for a recommendation, we recommend that you get started with the regular iPad (recent ones are iPad 8 & 9) and a first-generation apple pencil. They are pretty affordable combined, even cheaper than some android tablets out there!
Try them out and see how everything feels. We have to warn you though, you are going to want to upgrade right after you try them! That is pretty much what happens. People try the regular iPad and first-generation apple pencil. The experience runs smoother than ever, so they want to upgrade to get the most out of the iPad experience!
So, if you have some cash to splurge, we recommend you go for an iPad air, or an 11-inch pro model. And that is it for our post. We hope it helped you make an informed decision!