Home ArticlesCustomizable HTML Editors for PHP Web Apps Articles Customizable HTML Editors for PHP Web Apps By Decolore August 28, 20223 Mins Read Share This Article Facebook Twitter Pocket WhatsApp Share via Email Print Developing your PHP web application without a proper PHP text editor can get extremely tedious and time-consuming. A good editor can be a difference-maker by rendering the coding process simpler and more efficient. When developing web applications, most of your time will be spent interacting with your text editor and going through lines of code; this highlights the importance of picking a good PHP text editor to assist you on your journey. When choosing a text editor, you should ensure that it has the following features that will assist you in developing your web application and provide customization options. Syntax Highlighting When reading through lines of code to find a mistake or a specific portion that needs editing, low code readability slows down the process significantly, and time is wasted in navigating the code. To tackle this, a PHP text code editor that comprehends PHP syntax and highlights each line of code per its meaning is essential. This feature makes it so that different code structures like parameters, keywords, and variables are highlighted with specific colors, fonts, or styles like italic or bold. This makes it easier to identify different parts of your program based on these highlighters and adds a sense of customizability to your workspace. Some PHP text editors allow you to select various themes that best suit your work style. Prediction and Auto-Completion Prediction (hint) and auto-completion are two features with similar prospects of making the process of programming faster and simpler. It is best to ensure that the PHP text editor you choose has these functions. The auto-completion function works so that whenever you type a pre-configured matching character or symbol, the editor auto-completes a preset portion of code which you can customize to suit your preference. Similarly, the prediction feature supported by most of these editors works as a suggestion system. It suggests the remaining part of the code that matches your current text. You can select any of the suggested options from the menu under your text. Text Customizations Another essential feature to remember when searching for a PHP text editor is the availability of “customization options” related to the text. Options like indentation, line breaks, fonts, and the ability to make the text bold or italic are all critical when managing your code for optimum readability and editing capabilities. Customization enables the easier organization of the text. If the customization tools are not available at your disposal, you have to work with unorganized code, and that can be frustrating. The following figure shows the difference between a well-customized code and an unmodified one. Suppert Extensions and Plugins Finding a PHP text editor that supports all your requirements and preferences is impossible. Due to this, we suggest finding a text editor that supports extensions and plugins to provide you with the ability to customize your workplace further. Multi-language Support In your search for the optimum PHP text editor, it is best not to limit yourself to only that. You are probably aware that developing a web application requires many other components than just PHP. If you find a PHP-exclusive text editor, you might have to jump from one editor to another during your work process. To avoid this time-consuming process, you should use a text editor that supports PHP and other languages. Conclusion When choosing a PHP text editor for assistance in developing your web application, there are many factors that you must consider. Finding a good text editor can make the development process much smoother and more efficient. Many options are available online, each with distinctive features and qualities. We suggest using a text editor that best suits your project’s needs. FroalaHTML EditorsPHP Text Editors