A new year – and decade! – is just around the corner. People all over the world are counting their blessings, making plans for the future and writing down their New Year’s resolution list. Everybody needs inspiration to set their resolutions on the right track; but what about wearing that inspiration? You can welcome 2020 with lots of apparel and print options that carry optimistic messages.

Here’s a list of the most popular New Year’s resolutions and examples of how to use print and clothing mockups to bring them to life:
1. Eat Healthier
Whether you’re looking to live a healthier life or give veganism a chance, you can count on many healthy choices to eat better. The following are simple yet effective ways to improve your eating habits:
- Instead of ordering take out, cook for yourself.
- Reduce meat consumption, include more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains in your diet.
- Eat fewer dairy products.
- Try vegan or vegetarian meals for three or four days a week.
- Instead of relying on vending machines and convenience stores, pack healthy snacks.
- Don’t skip meals and set regular hours to eat something.
- Drink water instead of juice or high-sugar drinks.
2. Exercise More
This is by far one of the most common New Year’s resolutions, and it’s pretty obvious when you go outside on January 1st and people are eager to get fit ASAP.
Chances are it’ll be cold outside, so you’d better wear something comfy and warm to get through running those miles. Even if you’re going to the gym, you need to stay warm before and after a workout session.
Want to take that positive message outside? Use a hoodie mockup to show customers how it looks in a real-life environment.
3. Be Positive Around People
It costs zero dollars to be positive, but wearing a t-shirt with an encouraging quote doesn’t hurt anybody.
You can find countless cheerful quotes all over the internet, or you can give your inner writer a chance to write something witty and beautiful that puts a smile on someone’s face.
4. Sleep Better
Sleep quality has decreased for almost everyone over the past few decades, but it can get better from now on if you put effort into it. Here are some useful tips that can help:
- Keep a schedule. Get up at the same time and set a bedtime that assures you get at least 7 hours of sleep.
- If you can’t sleep after 20 minutes in bed, get out and try something relaxing.
- Don’t work on your bed. If you work remotely, get out of bed and follow a routine as if you were going to the office.
- Avoid coffee and high-sugar beverages before bedtime.
- Eat lightly at night.
Encourage good sleeping habits with soft music, aromatherapy, and pillows with soothing messages.
5. Learn Something New
This 2020 you can go big by learning a new language, try an easy new hobby, or start a project that you have been dreaming about since 2010.
Learning a new skill is one of the most rewarding ways to start a new year. The advantage is that nowadays you can find tons of online courses pretty much about anything, the challenge will be to choose one to enroll in.
6. Work on Your Self-Esteem
If you’ve been dealing with self-esteem issues, work on that first. Reach out to a friend or someone you trust to talk about it.
If you’re not too comfortable with sharing this with close people, look for counseling with a therapist or a qualified professional. You can search for a psychologist near you at the American Psychological Association’s website.
7. Read More
According to recent research, Americans read about 12 books per year, so, what are you doing to contribute to that number? Follow these tips to boost your reading habits.
- Read something you really enjoy.
- Carry a book everywhere, since there’s always a chance to read.
- Underline or highlight what you like the most, this keeps you interested.
- Share with friends or family.
- Make a list of the books you want to read this month/year, and stick to it.
- Make some time to read every day. It could be from 20 minutes to an hour or two.
Do you need a reason to start the year with a good read? Science says there are health benefits to reading: improves our memory, it makes us more empathetic, and helps us keep our brains active.
8. Travel to a New Place
Besides fitness New Year’s resolutions, this is a popular one too.
For those who have always wanted to travel solo, dreamt about going to Nepal, or exploring all the way through Patagonia, this is the year to do it!
Encourage eager travelers to take a nice hat with them. Use a hat mockup to see what a wanderer’s hat would look like in some exotic destination.
9. Support a Cause
There’s always something worth fighting for! Whether you’re an environmentalist, a human rights activist, or give voice to your four-legged friends, you can bring a message of awareness to clothing.
Start changing the world with strong, eye-catching messages!
10. Spend More Time with Loved Ones
Do you remember when the last time you had fun with your family was? If this hasn’t happened recently, maybe you should work on spending more time with them this 2020.
It doesn’t have to be something expensive or really well-planned, just set dates to visit a museum together, go for a walk in the park, organize a picnic day, visit the nearest beach…
Once you have your plan, you can get matching t-shirts, which can be designed using online tools and a t-shirt mockup.
Though the facts about New Year’s resolutions appear to be discouraging –80% of people who set a goal fail to do so during the first two months– you can lower the bar and set a goal that you can actually work on.
So, it’s time! Start the countdown and get ready to welcome 2020 with great, inspiring style!